National Satellite Meteorological Center

Xu Na, Ph.D., researcher, division director of the National Satellite Meteorological Center, China Meteorological Administration, is the assistant to the chief director of FengYun meteorological satellite project, deputy chief engineer of FengYun 3 composite satellite ground application system, was formerly the chief designer of FengYun geostationary and polar orbiting series satellite product generation system (PGS), responsible for FengYun 3 medium resolution spectral imager instrument (MERSI), was responsible for atmospheric precipitable water products and nocturnal cloud optical and microphysical products. She has long been engaged in research related to quantitative remote sensing of Fengyun meteorological satellites and has done a lot of work in the calibration and inversion of geophysical parameters, making outstanding contributions to promoting the improvement of remote sensing instrument process of Fengyun meteorological satellites, and the improvement of observation data quality and application capability of Fengyun optical remote sensers.

Special Session 01: Space Agency Perspectives on the Remote Sensing of the Earth
02 August (Wednesday) | 10:20am – 12:20pm │MR335

Fengyun Meteorological Satellite Programs and Applications

China's efforts to develop Fengyun meteorological satellites have made major strides over the past 50 years, with the polar and geostationary meteorological satellite series achieving continuously stable operation to persistently provide data and product services globally. By the end of 2022, 19 Chinese self-developed Fengyun meteorological satellites have been launched successfully. Seven of them are in operation at present, the data and products are widely applied to weather analysis, numerical weather forecasting and climate prediction, as well as environment and disaster monitoring.Recently,FY-4B,the first new-generation operational geostationary satellite, and FY-3E,the first early-morning orbit satellite in China's polar-orbiting meteorological satellite family have been launched in 2021.The characteristics of the two latest satellites and the instruments on board are addressed in this report. The status of current Fengyun Satellites, product and data service and international cooperation and supporting activities has been introduced as well.