Best Student Poster

Congratulations to the winners of the AOGS2024 Best Student Poster Competition!

AS | BG | HS | IG | OS | PS | ST | SE | Award Criteria & Competition Rules

Atmospheric Science (AS)

Zheng-Hang Fu
Fudan University
AS11-A060: Dynamic Pathway Linking Pakistan Flooding to East Asia Heatwaves
Co-authored with:
Wen ZHOU1, Shang-Ping XIE2, Ruhua ZHANG1, Xudong WANG1
1Fudan University
2University of California San Diego

Erandani Lakshani Widana Arachchige
City University of Hong Kong
AS13-A032: Evaluation of the Genesis Potential Indices in the CMIP6 Models with Bias Correction Methods and Projecting Future Tropical Cyclone Potential
Co-authored with:
Wen ZHOU3, Ralf TOUMI2, Xuan WANG1, Oluwafemi Ebenezer ADEYERI1, Dushantha Sandaruwan Jayarathana WIJENDRA NAIDHELAGE 1,4
1City University of Hong Kong
2Imperial College London
3Fudan University
4University of Exeter

Ha Jeong Jeon
Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology
AS15-A007: Development of Long-term Climate Data Algorithm Based on GEMS Data
Co-authored with:
Sangseo PARK1, Jeong Ah YU2
1Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology
2National Institute of Environmental Research

Dong-Chan Hong
Seoul National University
AS29-A023: Downward Coupling of 2018 Sudden Stratospheric Warming in SNAPSI Experiments
Co-authored with:
Seok-Woo SON
Seoul National University

Angel Anita Christy
Cochin University of Science and Technology
AS38-A024: How Efficient is a 205 MHZ VHF Radar in Estimating the Atmospheric Boundary Layer Height?
Co-authored with:
Cochin University of Science and Technology

Yuan Sun
The University of Manchester
AS91-A004: Urban Representation Based on Local Climate Zones (LCZs) for the Community Earth System Model (CESM)
Co-authored with:
Zhonghua ZHENG1, Keith OLESON2, Cenlin HE2, Lei ZHAO3, Ning ZHANG4
1The University of Manchester
2National Center for Atmospheric Research
3University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
4Nanjing University

Ziqiao Zhou
Peking University
AS91-A006: Social-economic Transitions and Vulnerability to Extreme Temperature Events from 1960 to 2020 in Chinese Cities
Co-authored with:
Yang XIE1, Qinghua SUN3, Mengdan ZHAO1, Jinlu PU1, Qiutong LI1, Yue SUN3, Hancheng DAI2#, Tiantian LI3
1Beihang University
2Peking University
3Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention

Biogeosciences (BG)

Sohee Yoon
Sunchon National University
BG01-A011: Woody Biochar Applications Significantly Enhance Net Ecosystem Carbon Budget, Fruit Productivity, and Soil Quality in Red Pepper Cropping System: Two-year Field Experiment
Co-authored with:
Sang Yoon KIM
Sunchon National University

Shuchishloka Chakraborty
Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur
BG07-A010: Geomicrobiological Perspective to Decipher the Cross Talk Between Nitrogen and Arsenic Biotransformation in Arsenic Impacted Paddy Soil of West Bengal
Co-authored with:
Rajendra Prasad SAHU, Pinaki SAR
Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur

Hydrological Science (HS)

Aigerim Bolatbekkyzy
Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology
HS17-A012: Comparative Analysis of the 2021-2022 Droughts in Kazakhstan, South Korea, and the USA Using Remote Sensing and Reanalsysis Data
Co-authored with:
Hyunglok KIM
Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology

Sora Fugami
Kyoto University
HS21-A016: Development of a Vertical Quasi-two-dimensional Model for Hillslope Surface-subsurface Flow Applicable to Basin-scale Rainfall-runoff Simulation
Co-authored with:
Yutaka ICHIKAWA1, Kazuaki YOROZU1, Hyunuk AN2, Yasuto TACHIKAWA1
1Kyoto University
2Chungnam National University

Interdisciplinary Geosciences (IG)

Wei Lun Hsu
National Cheng Kung University
IG04-A018: Long-term PM2.5 Concentration Prediction Under Climate Changes Using Geo-AI Based Machine Learning Model
Co-authored with:
Yu Ju Lin1, Pei-Yi Wong1, Yu-Ting Zeng1, Shih-Chun Candice Lung2, Chih-Da Wu1
1National Cheng Kung University
2Academia Sinica

Dominique Valdivia
National Sun Yat-sen University
IG09-A003: Modern to Relict Sediment Continuum in the Taiwan Strait
Co-authored with:
James Liu1, Rick Yang1, Aijun Wang2, Yonghang Xu2, Yu-Min Chou3, Chih-Chieh Su4, Yu-Shih Lin1
1National Sun Yat-sen University
2Ministry of Natural Resources
3Southern University of Science and Technology
4National Taiwan University

Meilian Li
National University of Singapore
IG30-A006: Spatial-temporal Adaptive Planning of Flood Managed Aquifer Recharge Guided by Deep Reinforcement Learning
Co-authored with:
Xiaogang He
National University of Singapore

Ocean Science (OS)

Ajin Cho
Yonsei University
OS17-A009: The Changes in the States of Atmosphere and Ocean, and Their Exchanges by Surface Current Coupling
Co-authored with:
Hajoon SONG1, Hyodae SEO2, Rui SUN3, Aneesh SUBRAMANIAN4, Bruce CORNUELLE3, Matthew MAZLOFF3, Art MILLER5
1Yonsei University
2Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
3University of California San Diego
4University of Colorado Boulder
5Scripps Institution of Oceanography

Hyung-Ju Park
Seoul National University
OS21-A017: Marine Heat Waves in East Asia: Its Characteristics and Relation to Climate Variability
Co-authored with:
Hanna NA
Seoul National University

Planetary Science (PS)

Peiwei Tu
Nanjing University
PS15-A017: The Evolution of Ultra-short-period Planets
Co-authored with:
Ji-Wei XIE
Nanjing University

Solar & Terrestrial Science (ST)

Qianyi Ma
Peking University
ST01-A024: Suprathermal Electron Acceleration at the Earth's Bow Shock
Co-authored with:
Linghua Wang1, Xinnian Guo1, Zixuan Liu1, Liu Yang1, Robert Wimmer-Schweingruber2
1Peking University
2Kiel University

Shuting Li
Chinese Academy of Sciences
ST14-A045: First Multi-view Observations of an Erupting Prominence in the UV Lyman-alpha Line with SolO/Metis and ASO-S/LST
Co-authored with:
Alessandro Bemporad1, Li Feng2, Beili Ying2
1INAF- Astrophysical Observatory of Turin
2Chinese Academy of Sciences

Solar Earth Science (SE)

Sunghwan Im
Seoul National University
SE16-A019: Mantle Heterogeneity and Crustal Processes Preserved in Olivine-hosted Melt Inclusions from the Ridge-transform Intersection of the Central Indian Ridge at 16.5°S
Co-authored with:
Jung-Woo PARK1, Sarang CHOI1, Jonguk KIM2, Andrey A. GURENKO3, Seongjun CHOI1
1Seoul National University
2Institute of Ocean Science & Technology
3Centre de Recherches Pétrographiques et Géochimiques