Untitled Document
Registration Fee Waiver Scheme
Application Opens: 15 Jan 2009
Application Closes: 15 Mar 2009 30 Mar 2009 (Application Closed)
Result Notification: 10 Apr 2009
Successful Fee Waiver Applicant Registration Deadline: 1 Jun 2009
How to apply?
- You will need your user account to log on to MARS (Management And Review of Submissions)
- You may use the same email/password from your previous account (from AOGS 2008)
- If you are new to MARS, please click here to create a user account.
- Only authors are eligible to apply. Please ensure that you have already submitted an abstract.
What does the scheme cover?
- Financial support is only in the form of meeting registration fee waiver
- Registration fee waiver is not transferable
- Abstract processing fee, cost of meals, travel & accommodation are NOT supported.
Who is eligible and what is required?
- Only authors are eligible to apply. The usual abstract review process applies
- Applicant will be required to list up to THREE representative works in the last five years
- Do submit proof of awards, support letters etc at the time of application
- Applications must be received by 15 Mar 2009.
How are applications evaluated and who makes the final decision?
- Conveners will evaluate the abstract's scientific contents and significance to the Session
- Section Presidents will evaluate the stature and the financial need of the applicant
- Financial Support Committee will consolidate the final list based on evaluation results, available funds, overall demand, and past attendance record of the fee waiver applicant (if applicable).
- Financial Support Committee makes the final decision and applicants notified accordingly
An applicant will receive one of the following decisions:
- Successful: the application is successful and the applicant must register by 1 Jun 2009.
- Unsuccessful: the application is unsuccessful.
Evaluation Criteria and Ranking
- Paper quality based on scientific contents and merits
- Financial need
- Stature (in favour of scientists in junior positions)
- Technical contribution and significance to session