Untitled Document

Untitled Document

AOGS Election of Office Bearers - 2012 to 2014


Srivatsan Vijayaraghavan (CV)
Research Fellow
Tropical Marine Science Institute, National University of Singapore

I feel happy to be nominated to the AOGS Treasurer position and it is my pleasure to deliver a mission statement therein. I have been an active participant of the AOGS since 2009 when I joined Tropical Marine Science Institute at the National University of Singapore. AOGS is indeed an excellent platform for those researchers in this part of the world to showcase their research work and to collaborate with fellow researchers not only from Southeast Asia but also from Europe and the Americas.

As a treasurer, my prime obligation would be to make sure that the funds of the AOGS are safe-guarded. In other words, to ensure that the funds are properly spent for good reasons which support the cause and goal of the AOGS.

I shall make sure to follow the AOGS’ agenda to encourage young researchers and those researchers deserving financial support so that they get a due opportunity to be recognized amongst the research fraternity.  I will work to make sure that the funds are spent for genuine cases and the deserving are helped, such as the cases for Registration Fee Waivers.

I shall also work to promote the AOGS so as to increase the number of participants. I have been a session convenor for the past 3 years and that also helps me to connect to the research community to invite more participation from around the globe.

I shall certainly serve the AOGS as a treasurer in the best of my abilities and I take this opportunity to thank the committee for nominating and considering my candidature.